Sedberry & Associates has developed retail property for third party clients in addition its subsidiary Sed Development. We have experience with land assemblage, rezoning, city meetings and hearings, neighborhood association meetings and presentations, architectural site planning and elevation designing, civil, structural and mechanical engineering coordination, project construction management and tenant coordination. The experience received from undergoing the development process enhances our overall knowledge and services.
Net Lease Developments include: Costco, Walgreen’s, PetsMart, Kohl’s, Office Depot, Bed Bath & Beyond, Borders Books, Circuit City, LongHorn Steakhouse Chili’s, Burger King, Taco Cabana, Burger King and Starbucks.
Shopping Center development projects include: ABQ Uptown, a 40 acre development including a 220,000 sf lifestyle center, a 160,000 Urban Target, 199 residential apartments, and 15,000 Trader Joe’s; The Pavilions at San Mateo and I-40 200,000 sf Power Center, Cottonwood Corners 250,000 sf Power Center; West Bluff 400,000 sf Power Center, The Plaza at Cottonwood 500,000 sf Power Center, Sycamore Plaza 275,000 sf neighborhood center, Santa Fe Plaza 600,000 sf Power Center, Farmington Plaza 400,000 Power Center, Eagle Ranch Costco Center 200,000 sf Power Center, Central Park Place.
These high-profile retail developments alone have added 4,350,000 square feet to the market and facilitated the market entry of 75 new retailers to the New Mexico market such as Pottery Barn, Williams Sonoma, Chico’s, Apple Computer, Coldwater Creek, Sharper Image, Barnes & Noble, Circuit City, Linens N Things, Comp USA, Old Navy, Staples, Mikasa, Sears Paint and Hardware, Norwalk Furniture, Starbucks, Boston Market, Pei Wei (PF Changs) and many others. Other tenants within these projects include Wal-Mart, Costco, Super Wal-Mart, Smiths, Safeway, and Home Depot.